poster for store

Big Loo Large Color Poster On High Quality Poster Stock


Exclusively created for our web site at BigLooRobot, we present this outstanding Big Loo Poster to hang on your wall next to your collector robot. Using high quality statin poster stock, this giant-sized poster measure 24 inches wide and a whopping 36 inched high!  This poster is extra thick and will hang nicely on a wall or consider having it framed, either way it displays impressively.

The poster features a museum quality Big Loo photo example as he proudly stands on the surface of the Moon.  After all, this is where Big Loo is from.  And don’t forget he is your friend, from the Moon, obviously.

At the lower left is his full complement of battle accessories. Not only do we see the two yellow space rockets with rubber tips that he was supplied with but also the red Water Ray, better known as the squirter.  This was the number one must confiscated item from Big Loo’s battle accessories because all it took was one or two squirts at Mom and she hid this important item, never to be seen again.

Above the Water Ray is the much-debated yellow scanner scope eye piece. Some collectors insist that it never existed, others say “hey, I got one with my Big Loo when I was 10” so we include it here, just in case you got one too!  It adds a lot of visual interest to Big Loo rear head and we love displaying our Robots with it in place.  We have a few if you are interested.

Next in the battle accessory line up is the mysterious green Moon Grenade, read more about its purpose at our web site. Then the Sonic Signal appears, better known as the whistle. Four red Space Spears are stacked vertically, ready to load in Big Loo’s shooting arm.  Lastly is a pair of red Chest Darts that Mom didn’t like either but tended not to irritate her as much as the Water Ray.

At the bottom center of the poster is an outtake from the 1963 original instructions showing the profile of a young boy firing a dart and using the Water Ray.  It also looks like he is ringing the Bell and tapping on the Morse Code clicker.  After all, this was part of the black and white instructions!  So why is it in color?  Well, we colorized the original instructions and think it looks much better this way. We also have that special colorized instruction set available as well.

On the far left is the most beloved graphic from the original shipping box which describes all of Big Loo’s features. We have positioned it so that it is the same size of the high-resolution photo on the right. That way you can look left and right to compare all of the features with the real thing! You will note that the box graphic floats up from behind the moon as Big Loo himself prefers to occupy the surface by himself.  For those who know him, this makes perfect sense as he tends to be possessive.  Read more about how Big Loo actually thinks at our web site feature called “Big Loo’s Mind”.


At the very top of this outstanding poster are the words BIG LOO in the original large-bold red font face which we have inserted from a high-resolution photograph taken from our mint condition original box. Directly under this is the Marx logo and by line, again from the original instructions, but colorized here for maximum visual impact. We know Louis Marx would approve of his colored logo.

Your Big Loo poster will be shipped to you in a large triangular shaped carton to insure its safe arrival. You won’t be disappointed with this custom themed Big Loo poster!

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